Update from Ukraine March 5 2022

The campaign to support Ukrainians has reached over £6000 and the money has been distributed in various cities and regions in Ukraine including Kyiv, Dnipro, Odessa and Uzhgorod.

Live campaign link: Support Ukrainians

Volunteers for AMURT are responsible to distribute it among their community in different areas of the city and they buy food & water supplies, sometimes medicines also. We give food to all those in need. If one is in need of money for food we help them.

We have also helped women, their kids and elderly with transportation tickets to leave the country. 


Supplied 5th maternity hospital in Odessa with diapers.



Purchased some food for animals, toilet paper, trash bags, cleaning stuff, litter and delivered everything to the animal shelter. Spent 1152.60 UAH Purchased and delivered food for volunteering center in Dnipro.

Purchases made.


Purchased first aid and products for Lysychansk town.

Zaporozhye region

At the moment, we have not had direct hostilities in our village, but the Russian troops are constantly transiting. There are problems with supplies (there are not so many products that are brought in and the queues are huge) and problems with withdrawing the cash, (people have to stand in line for the day, to withdraw up to (2000 UAH).

Payment by card is now possible but not from every store. There are lots of people who need help: old people, poor people and large families. We will purchase the available food and personal hygiene products.

Part of the funds will go to animals from the local shelter (overexposure),:there are also a lot of hungry animals running through the streets. People who leave, just let animals free; we try to feed them too, Today we took two puppies from the street to a shelter.”


A group of volunteers prepared food for the defenders of Kyiv.

Purchases in Kyiv:

The campaign is ongoing.

Please support.

Live campaign link: Support Ukrainians

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