No One Should Go Hungry or Cold – Make a Difference
The homeless, elderly and vulnerable, struggling to survive in London, receive a nutritious meal and warm bedding.
Our Vision
We envision a world where no one has to go hungry or cold because of financial hardship. Access to food, warmth, and shelter are basic human rights, and we are committed to ensuring these essentials reach those most in need.
Matched funding
Our activities in the UK
AMURT UK works with local communities to relieve immediate suffering in times of disaster and crisis and empower people to lead happy, healthy, and environmentally sustainable lives.
Feeding Programmes
London / Birmingham
Support for Homeless and those impacted by food poverty
We make up to 200 free meals a week from produce that would otherwise be wasted and serve them to people, mostly homeless, in need of food in Northeast and Central London. We also produce and distribute 150+ meals a month in Birmingham to the homeless and those in insecure housing.
Read more – London
Read more – Birmingham
Signposting service – providing information about available support
At AMURT we are responding to unprecedented needs as the cost-of-living continues to rise leaving individuals and families, already struggling, with the prospect of not being able to put healthy food on the table.
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Food For All
Health Food Shop – bringing healthy food and herbal remedies to the community
Opened in 1976, Food For All is a not-for-profit limited company, health food store, herbal dispensary and much loved community asset.
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Implementing Partner Projects
Disaster Relief
Local crisis response, globally
AMURT UK is part of a global network of local AMURT chapters that respond to humanitarian disasters.
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Vita Bites
Nutritious energy bars
We developed Vita Bites as a social enterprise during the covid19 pandemic to nourish people experiencing homelessness or food poverty with tasty energy bars full of nutrients and proteins.
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Made In Hackney
Local Food Kitchen
We are proud to have incubated this pioneering eco-community kitchen that teaches growing, cooking, and composting skills that are good for people and planet.
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Click here to learn more about our implementing partners and affiliates…
How to help?

Join our team of volunteers and help cook and distribute meals to those in need, or provide them with information about where to find other support....

Group Volunteering
Volunteer as a group with your colleagues or friends! It is a great way to spend quality time together while doing something meaningful for others...

Donations and Corporate Sponsorship
Give a donation or get your company's CSR department to support our work! We welcome one-off or regular donations, monetary or in-kind support...