UK Implementing Partners

Current funders of AMURT UK activities:

The National Lottery Community FundThe National Lottery Community Fund


Dawson Partners logoDawson Partners


Brunswick Group


Hackney Council

Supporters and Partners​

We are happy to be part of reducing food waste in London by using surplus produce as ingredients for our feeding programme, made possible by our supplying partners:

Felix Project London


City Harvest London

Food distribution partners:

Health E1 Homeless Medical Centre
9-11 Brick Lane
London, E1 6PU
Every Thursday from 1pm to 3pm
Greenhouse Practice
19 Tudor Road, Hackney
E9 7SN, London
Every Thursday from 1pm to 3pm
Streets Kitchen
Hackney Central (in front of the Town hall) Every Thursday from 7:30pm


Other supporters:

International affiliates

AMURT UK is affiliated to the following International Organisations that share our mission and philosophy.

AMURT GLOBAL – AMURT’s global coordinating office is based in the US. At times of humanitarian disaster international AMURT chapters liaise with this office to find out how to best support the AMURT chapter closest to where the disaster has occurred. This support may come in the form of fundraising, sending experts or additional volunteers.

AMURTEL – it is an organization managed by women, for women. Founded in 1975 to respond specifically to the problems faced by women and children in their struggle to meaningfully develop in all areas of life. AMURTEL helps to build solutions with women around the world to gain greater self-sufficiency and economic independence.

More info:

International Implementing Partners

AMURT Foundation Nigeria

AMURT Foundation works in Ebonyi State, S.E. Nigeria and has developed a model of primary health care, which meets the maternal and health care needs of remote rural communities and puts the community at the centre of its strategy. It currently has 11 highly functioning well attended Primary Health Centre’s in the state.

More info:  and

Abha Light Foundation Kenya

AMURT Kenya works together with the Abha Light Foundation on the Spirulina Nutrition Project (SNP). SNP distributes spirulina to vulnerable children and mothers experiencing chronic malnutrition through Free Children’s Clinics (FCC). Presently, there are 22 FCC’s which distribute spirulina in Kenya. Each patient is given individualised treatment based on their specific needs and followed up to ensure optimum success. Since 2014 SNP has improved the health of 26,000 beneficiaries.

More info: and


AMURTEL Greece runs the Athens Refugee Mother and Baby Centre. It is the only woman-to-woman maternity service for refugees in Athens. It provides these vulnerable women with pre-natal care and examinations, preparation for labour, post-natal care, and breastfeeding/infant feeding consultations. Most women don’t speak Greek and have limited English. The care women get ensures they receive important medical tests and can ask questions using interpreters. This is vital for theirs and their child’s physical health, and psychological wellbeing.

The application of this woman-centred model of care has proven to reduce the incidence of birth injury/trauma (physically and mentally) and reduce incidences of postnatal depression, as well as enhance chances of early and continued breastfeeding and bonding of mother and baby.


AMURTEL Romania runs various projects including a Children’s Home and the Fountain of Hope After Schools Centre. They have also been very active in supporting Ukrainian Refugees, particularly children, when they cross the border into Siret, Romania. There focus is on transforming the life of children. 

More info: and

AMURT Lebanon 

AMURT Lebanon provides alternative health, education and psycho-social services in Chouf District of Lebanon. Its current focus is on the wellbeing of refugee children. 

More info:


See also About AMURT UK  | Meet the Team

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