Govinda Lovage, Chairman of AMURT UK, tried a Nut Bar made by Shaun Clohessy of Shaun’s Nut Bars and found it nutritious and felt it more than satisfied his hunger for a meal and so he came up with the idea to share these bars to the homeless to help in many ways:
- to increase exposure of and advertise Shaun’s bars and business
- to provide information about and raise awareness of AMURT UKs homeless feeding programme on Thursdays in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Holborn
- and to feed a homeless person.
Govinda contacted Shaun Clohessy, who produces nut bars, granola, raw cakes and more in Newington Green, and Shaun was happy to share the recipe to AMURT UK for them to reproduce the bar for distribution to the homeless. At the end of May AMURT UK volunteers will be trained how to prepare the nut bars.

Here’s a project to share healthy food, advertise both a local healthy food business (in Hackney) and the Thursday feeding programme in Holborn.