Nigeria: Emergency Treatment for New Mothers, Babies and Children at AMURT Nigeria’s clinics

Recently AMURT Nigeria sponsored the surgery of 1 ½ year old Rachel (photo left) who needed a shunt put in her brain due to fluid accumulating there. Her family is poor and couldn’t afford the surgery so they were very grateful to AMURT for paying for the treatment and saving their daughters life.

AMURT Nigeria sets up primary health care centres in poor, remote, rural areas of S.E. Nigeria. As their reputation grows they are receiving more and more patients, many of them new mothers, newborns and children, often with life threatening conditions.

Can you help us raise US$100,000 to provide emergency treatment to the next 200 new mothers, newborns and children whose families can’t afford it?

We are very fortunate to have a generous sponsor who will match every donation. This mean every US$ donated will be doubled!

The campaign will close on 31st December. We have just 4 weeks to raise US$100,000, so we need your help!

Update – appeal is open

You can donate to the campaign here:

Here’s a video about what AMURT Foundation Nigeria are up to:

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